Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships Programme - Incoming. Call for applications 2020
Dear all
I would like to call you attention for a funded PhD opportunity here in my lab (Instituto Dom Luiz, IDL) that could be of interest to your students/coworkers. Please feel free to resend this message to your own contacts.
The doctoral INPhINIT Fellowship programme aims to support the best scientific talent, of any nationality, and foster innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting outstanding international researchers and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.
The doctoral INPhINIT fellowships offer a highly competitive salary and complementary opportunities for training on transferrable skills (in annual training sessions), temporary stays in industry, incentives upon completion of the thesis, among other elements that make these fellowships some of the most attractive and complete in Europe.
There is a wide variety of research topics to choose from. I have proposed one entitled “Understanding the genesis and dynamics of extreme weather events affecting Mediterranean-Type Climates under a climate change perspective”. For a full listing, please check
For more detailed information on how to apply check
Schedule for Fellowships
February 4, 2020: Deadline for submission of applications.
February 18, 2020: Deadline for submission of language certificate.
April 16, 2020: Notification of the results of the first selection phase.
May 27 and 28, 2020: In-person interviews in Barcelona.
June 2, 2020: Publication of the final list of selected candidates.
Between June 2 and 30, 2020: Definition of the research center that will incorporate each fellow.
For more informations
Ana Russo
Instituto Dom Luiz
FCUL-Edf. C1 – 1º. Piso