Mot du Directeur

Mot du Directeur - Pr. ZAHRANE Tarik

Chères étudiantes, chers étudiants, À l'aube de cette nouvelle ère académique, dans un climat de renouveau et de renaissance, je vous adresse mes salutations au sein de l'institution académique émérite qu'est l'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion ENCG-Marrakech. En ce lieu prestigieux où co...

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Qatar University Summer Research Internship 2021

Ajouté le : 10-May-2021

Qatar University (QU) is offering up to 20 seats for international students to take part of the QU Summer Research Internship 2021.


QU Summer Research Internship is a training program for undergraduate and graduate students that provides training in research methods, characterization techniques, application processes, and scientific writing. This year, the program is designed and operated by ten research centers at QU. Please visit the following link: for more details.


Due to the precautionary measures followed by QU to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Summer Research Internship-2021 will be conducted online using QU-supported electronic platforms. By the end of the internship program, all students are required to submit a final report about their internship experience in the prescribed format and signed by their moderator. The Certificate of Completion will be issued to the students who attend a minimum 75% of the internship program sessions and submit their final reports. The deadline for registration is 24 May 2021.


Attached the list of offered courses and details on each course. 

Kindly send your nomination by the 13 May 2021 (using the attached form) to Ms. Zeinab Bu Melhem-Shukr


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