Mot du Directeur

Mot du Directeur - Pr. ZAHRANE Tarik

Chères étudiantes, chers étudiants, À l'aube de cette nouvelle ère académique, dans un climat de renouveau et de renaissance, je vous adresse mes salutations au sein de l'institution académique émérite qu'est l'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion ENCG-Marrakech. En ce lieu prestigieux où co...

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Pre-Call Announcement for 2021 RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition

Ajouté le : 24-December-2020

The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a consortium of 128 Universities in 38 African Countries, is pleased to notify the prospective applicants of the upcoming call for 2021 RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition (RUYAEC). The overall purpose of the RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition (RUYAEC) is to catalyse entrepreneurship through promotion of business innovation and provision of seed funding to young entrepreneurs with creative and innovative business ideas among African youth. RUYAEC will target young African entrepreneurs and incubates below 35 years of age to compete for 20 awards that show case their innovations, enterprises, business concepts and propositions.

This fourth round (see previous rounds here of the RUFORUM Young Innovators Competition will be an Africa-wide competition and hence it will target all African countries. The awards will be made in Cotonou, Benin during the RUFORUM Triennial Conference in December, 2021.

RUFORUM targets to provide 20 awards to young innovators and entrepreneurs in the following fields: Food and agribusiness, Incubations, ICTs, Health, Engineering, Natural resources, and Meteorology, among others. 

All the 2016, 2018, and 2019 RUFORUM Young Innovators Awards are NOT eligible to apply.

The RUYAEC operates within one of RUFORUM’s values and principles of creativity seeking to offer opportunities to develop innovative solutions both in addressing the problems faced by smallholder farmers, and in managing research projects in remote areas.

We shall officially launch the call for RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition 2021 on 1st October 2020 with a Deadline of submissions on 31st March 2021 and hence this serves as a pre-call announcement. PreCall_Announcement_Young Innovators2021  :