Mot du Directeur

Mot du Directeur - Pr. ZAHRANE Tarik

Chères étudiantes, chers étudiants, À l'aube de cette nouvelle ère académique, dans un climat de renouveau et de renaissance, je vous adresse mes salutations au sein de l'institution académique émérite qu'est l'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion ENCG-Marrakech. En ce lieu prestigieux où co...

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Appel à candidature à la 5ème édition du Concours

Ajouté le : 15-December-2020
The 5th Mediterranean Water Heroes Youth Contest
“Valuing Water”

CMI's World Water Day Regional Youth Workshop

Every year, World Water Day draws the world’s attention to key global water issues. World Water Day 2021 will focus on the theme of Valuing Water, (location to be confirmed soon). Youth has an important role to play in working towards regional water security and increased water awareness. Young people are involved in innovative water-related projects and research around the Mediterranean and are key to securing a more sustainable water future in the region.
To amplify the voice of regional youth on this topic, the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) is launching the fifth edition of its Mediterranean youth workshop on Valuing Water. In the run-up to this workshop, the fifth edition of the “Mediterranean Water Heroes” youth contest will offer young water researchers and activists from around the Mediterranean the opportunity to showcase their innovative work on water.  
Find out more about the previous CMI World Water Day youth workshop.
Edition (2017) here / Edition (2018) here / Edition (2019) here / Edition (2020) here

Contest Organizers

The Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) is leading the contest with funding from the UK Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) and the CMI Water Hub partners (The International Water Management Institute (IWMI), International Center for Water Management Services (CEWAS), French Development Agency, German Development Agency, European Investment Bank, CIHEAM, World Bank, Plan Bleu) and the CMI-supported Mediterranean Youth Water network (MedYWat).
Do You Want to be one of the Heroes?
  • Are you between 18 and 35 years-old? 
  • Are you a citizen of one of these countries? Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Montenegro, Palestinian Territories, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.
  • Are you working within public institutions, research institutes, start-ups, NGOs, or as freelancers?
  • Applications from Libya, Algeria, and Egypt are strongly encouraged.
  • The official languages of the contest are English, French, and Arabic.
If your answer is yes, the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) strongly encourages you to submit your application to the 5th edition of the “Mediterranean Water Heroes” Contest, for a chance to present your innovative work and projects on Valuing Water to young water activists, regional water experts, and international organizations in Murcia, Spain during our World Water Day 2021.
That’s Not All!
Selected applicants will receive full coverage to attend the CMI World Water Day event scheduled to take place between 6th and 8th April 2021.

Contest prizes will be announced during the World Water Day 2021 event.

In addition, the selected contest winners will be offered a speaking role in the different World Water Day 2021 workshop sessions as well as:

The winners of the contest will also be able to: 
  • Connect with international water experts as well as young water professionals.
  • Showcase your work on the online channels of the Center for Mediterranean Integration and its partners    
  • Receive peer-to-peer mentoring from other Mediterranean water activists and experts.
Other selected participants will also be invited to participate in the workshop in April 2021.

Eligible Ideas 

The CMI encourages applications from all backgrounds, including young water activists, entrepreneurs, and researchers. 
The applicants should submit their solutions and proposals under one of the three following sub-themes.
  1. Valuing water infrastructure (Technical).
  2. Value of water in Hydro-diplomacy and transboundary waters (Policy).
  3. Water services and management (Social and Economic).


  • January 10th midnight Paris time: Application deadline
  • January 14th, 2021: Announcement of the contest results
  • March: Onboarding Webinar to prepare participants for the workshop
  • April 2021 (TBC): Participation of the contest winners at CMI World Water Day

Contest Rules

To learn more about the contest rules and your eligibility click here (AREN).
To apply fill out the online application form here (AR EN).  

How can you apply?

Applications will be submitted through an online form in either English or Arabic
For any questions regarding the contest, kindly get in touch with us at


Mailing address is:
Center for Mediterranean Integration

2 bis Quai d'Arenc

La tour Marseillaise, CMI

Marseille 13002
