Mot du Directeur

Mot du Directeur - Pr. ZAHRANE Tarik

Chères étudiantes, chers étudiants, À l'aube de cette nouvelle ère académique, dans un climat de renouveau et de renaissance, je vous adresse mes salutations au sein de l'institution académique émérite qu'est l'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion ENCG-Marrakech. En ce lieu prestigieux où co...

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Program of Virtual Academic Mobility - Brazil

Ajouté le : 07-July-2021

UNIS Educational Group, Brazil have opened the call for the Virtual Academic Mobility 2021/2. It was created with the objective of making internationalization possible online, allowing foreign students even from their own country to have access to classes in another language, and to have contact with Brazilian students and students from other countries while studying the subjects related to their course of origin.

The program has subjects from various courses taught in Portuguese, and some subjects taught in English.

The deadline for registration is July 17, 2021;

For more information, please access: