Mot du Directeur

Mot du Directeur - Pr. ZAHRANE Tarik

Chères étudiantes, chers étudiants, À l'aube de cette nouvelle ère académique, dans un climat de renouveau et de renaissance, je vous adresse mes salutations au sein de l'institution académique émérite qu'est l'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion ENCG-Marrakech. En ce lieu prestigieux où co...

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Appel à candidature au Programme de bourses 2021-2022 de la Fondation Obama de l'Université Columbia

Ajouté le : 14-January-2021

The Obama Foundation Scholars Program at Columbia University is seeking applications from rising leaders from around the world to participate in a full time, fully-funded, leadership development program that includes academic, skills-based and experiential learning. Over the course of the academic year, Obama Foundation Scholars have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills and build new capacities and networks that accel­­erate their impact in their home countries. The Obama Foundation Scholars Program is accepting applications until 5:00pm EST on February 5, 2021. Nominations for potential candidates can also be submitted here:

Since 2018, the Obama Foundation Scholars Program at Columbia University has welcomed 34 rising leaders from 29 countries who have demonstrated a commitment to finding solutions to challenges in their communities, countries and regions. 

Scholars were, on average, 35 years of age, with ages ranging from 25 to 45. 

Programs participants have addressed a range of challenges, including strengthening governance, increasing access to high-quality healthcare, advocating for environmental sustainability strategies, and promoting women's rights and ending gender-based violence.

On behalf of Columbia World Projects and the Obama Foundation, thank you in advance for sharing this opportunity with your networks and rising leaders you think could benefit from participating in the program.  

Eligibility Requirements

The Obama Foundation Scholars Program at Columbia University seeks rising leaders from the United States and around the world who meet the following criteria :

  • Are emerging leaders who have made meaningful contributions to their field and are now at a “breakthrough moment” in their careers
  • Have a proven commitment to service and leadership within a community, region or country, coupled with a demonstrated commitment to return to these communities following their completion of the program and apply their enhanced training, skills, and connections on a long-term basis for the benefit of these communities
  • Are fluent in English (verbal, written, and spoken)
  • Have the ability and inclination to positively shape the future of their community
  • Have a demonstrated commitment to humility, integrity, inclusivity, stewardship, fearlessness, imagination, and teamwork

The Obama Foundation Scholars Program at Columbia University is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 program until February 5, 2021 at 5:00pm ET. 

For more information :