Pr. Mohamed CHABAB, reference physicist in the FSSM
Pr. Mohamed Chabab was born in Casablanca, Morocco. He received his PhD degree from Montpellier University (France) in the field of theoretical high energy physics in 1992. From 1992 to 1996, he was awarded several research fellowship in France, Italy as postdoctoral researcher and as assistant professor at Tripoli University in Libya.
He is currently full professor of physics and the Director of the National School of Applied Science (ENSAS) at Cadi-Ayyad University in Marrakech. He is also an expert affiliated with the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRST), and President of Moroccan Society of High Energy Physics.
Chabab main fields of research cover Higgs physics beyond the Standard Models, thermodynamics of black holes and neutrino physics.
Chabab is the team leader of the Marrakech group within KM3NeT and ANTARES collaborations. Nominated in 2018 as associate editor of Frontiers in Physics,. Pr. Chabab is the author/co-author of more than 170 papers, with an impact factor 30 (Scopus IF), and the supervisor of about 35 Master and 15 Ph.D theses.