MOUNAF (MObilité UNiversitaire en AFrique): Intra- African Mobility Project
MOUNAF (Mobilité Universitaire en Afrique) is a project for academic mobility funded by European Union under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme. This action aims to internationalize evaluation systems, master programs and doctoral research within African universities through academic mobility. MOUNAF will provide up to 100 scholarships for doctoral and master’s students and also Staff in Africa. The MOUNAF mobility program involves 4 regions of Africa, 6 African universities (from Morocco, Ethiopia, South Africa, DR Congo and Mozambique) and one European university (from Belgium). The partnership covers two working languages: French and English. It is designed to facilitate the movement of Masters & PhD students and Staff between selected Universities in the African regions as a means of building capacity and encouraging socioeconomic development in each region. It aims to contribute to the capacity building of human resources and the development of international cooperation of partner universities by implementing a program of 100 flows in the thematic areas:
a) Agriculture and food security,
b) Engineering, including infrastructure and energy,
c) Health & Environment.
The analysis of their impact on participatory development will rely on cross-disciplinary fields (Social Sciences, Governance and Education Sciences).
Within the context of quality assurance, the purpose of the framework for qualifications of African university partners is to:
- enable students (actual or prospective) and staff members to understand the achievements and attributes represented by qualification titles, and how qualifications relate to one another;
- assist partner universities to clarify potential routes for progression and credit transfer, particularly in the context of wider participation in African and international learning;
- maintain international comparability of standards, especially in the African context and ensure international competitiveness.
Such harmonization within a quality framework will allow :
- students from different African countries to spend a part or all of their studies in other partner countries;
- that students in different locations are offered the same quality of education regardless of university providers;
- that graduates from one country are recruited by the employment sector in other African countries;
- a multi-national workplace;
- close collaboration between African universities in creating and developing new knowledge and common curricula;
- close collaboration between students in creating and sharing knowledge within an African students’ mobility network (AfriMob).
In essence, the regional qualifications framework will help alumni and staff members in partner universities to relate their qualification structures to the wider African and European context and internationally, and so assist with the development and recognition of a range of routes to professional recognition and continuing academic development in the region.
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