Pr. Abdelghani BELLOUQUID à l'Académie Hassan II des Sciences

Le professeur Abdelghani Bellouquid, professeur de Mathématiques à l'Université Cadi Ayyad (ENSA de Safi) vient d'être nommé par Sa Majesté Le Roi Mohammed VI, que Dieu l'assiste, comme membre correspondant à l'Acaémie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques.

Cette nomination est une haute reconnaissance des compétences scientifiques et techniques de M. Bellouquid et un honneur pour le corps professoral de l'université Cadi Ayyad.

Il s'agit d'autre part de la deuxième consécration pour la qualité de la recherche au sein de notre université en particulier pour les sciences mathématiques après celle du Professeur Youssef OUKNINE en 2006 (voir CV).

Ci-dessous une biographie du Pr. Bellouquid :

Abdelghani Bellouquid is professor of mathematics at the University of Cadi Ayyad (ENSA, Sa fi), Morocco. He defended his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics in 1995 at the University of Paris 7, France, and Ph.D in Applied Mathematics (Doctorat d'Etat) in 2001 at University Cadi Ayyad.

He is author of about 50 papers, 4 refereed research articles in Books, and one research book in the international literature. Some of his papers are highly cited(new hot paper in the eld of Mathematics, Mai 2006, and Janvier 2007). The scienti c activity covers the following elds: Mathematical methods in nonlinear kinetic theory(Boltzmann models), Development asymptotic and methods for the derivation of macroscopic limit for nonlinear models of the kinetic theory and biological tissues models for growing systems focusing on ux-limited chemotaxis, Modeling complex systems in biology and life sciences focusing on cancer growth, immune competition, vehicular tra c, and crowds, General Relativity, Numerical analysis.
He has been accredited with several high impact research publications and he has got coveted Morocco state Prix in science and technology (2008). He also played instrumental role in di erent prestigious collaborative research project with Italy, Spain, France, etc. He is editor and a member of the Advisory Board in Communications In Applied and Industrial Mathematics(Journal of the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics), Abstract And Applied Analysis, International journal of theoretical and mathematical physics, ISRN Applied Mathematics, American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Ilirias Journal of Mathematics, Journal of Scienti c Research and Reports, Applied Science Segment, Book series "Advances in Computational and Systems Biology", Scienti c Research and Essays, Academics Journals, et c.

Un article sur le matin est publié à cette ocasion (à consulter pour plus d'information) :