Prof. Dr. Nora Brambilla et Prof. Dr. Antonio Vairo (Technical University of Munich, Germany) en conférence à la FSSM (Laboratoire LPHEA)
Lieu | FSSM |
Commence le | 25 / 02 / 2020 - 10:00 |
Se termine le | 26 / 02 / 2020 - 12:30 |
Suite à l'invitation du laboratoire LPHEA de la Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Prof. Nora Brambilla et Prof. Antonio Vairo de l'université technique de Munich, Allemagne, visiteront notre université du 24 au 28 Février 2020.
Lors de séjour, Profs. Brambilla et Vairo donneront des séminaires spécialisés aux doctorants du LPHEA, et étudieront les possibilités de collaborations entre nos deux universités TUM et UCA.
Prof. Dr. Nora Brambilla (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Mardi 25 Février 2020, 10h
Seminar 1: Quarkonium with nonrelativistic effective field theories
QCD is the field theory describing strong interactions. Heavy quarkonium is a multiscale system probing different energy regimes of the strong interactions, from the hard region, where an expansion in the coupling constant is possible and precision studies may be done, to the low-energy region, dominated by confinement and the many manifestations of nonperturbative dynamics.
In addition, the properties of production and absorption of quarkonium in a medium are crucial inputs for the study of QCD at high density and temperature, reaching out to cosmology and early universe studies. On the theoretical side the last decades have seen the construction of new nonrelativistic effective field theories and the development in computational lattice QCD which supply us with a systematic calculational framework. On the experimental side the diversity, novelty and accuracy of the data collected in the last years at tau-charm, B-factories and LHC experiments is impressive.
I will outline this reach interplay of theoretical advancements and experimental success and its implication on our control of strong interactions inside the Standard Model of Particle Physics.
Prof. Dr. Antonio Vairo
(Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Mercredi 26 Février 2020, 10h
Title: Heavy Majorana neutrino production and decay in the hot early universe
We discuss decay and CP asymmetry generated by heavy Majorana neutrinos in the early universe as a possible scenario of leptogenesis. We exploit the non relativistic nature of the heavy Majorana neutrinos in the thermal bath and construct a suitable effective field theory.